Users are informed that the personal data they provide, both by completing any online form, as well as by email or by any other means, will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

  • CIF: A-78067998
  • Registered office: Calle Santa Cruz de Marcenado, nº 29-31, 28015 Madrid.
  • Phone number:: 91 452 11 03.
  • Contact email:

Who is the entity’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) and how can they help you?

We inform you that we have a Data Protection Officer (DPO), who is a legally established figure whose main functions are to inform and advise the entity on the obligations that affect it in terms of personal data protection and supervise its compliance. In addition, the DPO acts as a point of contact with the entity for any matter related to the processing of personal data, so if you wish, you can contact him/her:

For what purpose do we process your personal data, what is the legitimate basis for such treatment and for how long will it be kept?

The data provided will be processed for the following purposes, depending on the reason for which it was submitted:

  1. Resolving queries and questions, as well as process information requests or any type of request that is made by the user through any of the contact forms that are available to the user.
  2. Sending of informative communications by any means. Through these communications, users will be informed about the different services offered by NEBRIJA INSTITUTES, as well as the activities and events organized by it.
    For these purposes, the data will be processed on the legal basis of the consent of the person who provides it. This consent can be withdrawn at any time, although this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out previously. The act of providing the data is voluntary, although, in case of not doing so, it cannot be processed for the indicated purposes. Therefore, the communication of your personal data for these purposes is a necessary requirement so that we can attend to the requests through this channel, as well as to send, where appropriate, the entity’s commercial communications. The data will be kept for the time necessary to respond to your request, petition, consultation, and to resolve it definitively. Then, they will be kept as a communications record for a maximum of one year, unless the user requests its deletion at any of the referenced contact addresses.
    Finally, if the user consents to the sending of commercial communications, the data may be stored indefinitely for this purpose, until the user objects to it.
    The data categories that will be processed for these purposes will be the following: Identification and contact data.
  3. Processing applications for enrollment in the Institutes’ academic programs and manage any activity and service associated with them (accommodation, events, excursions, activities, etc.). The processing of the data is necessary for the correct registration and participation in the program, so it is mandatory that personal data be provided, as it is impossible to register as a student of Institutes otherwise. For the indicated purposes, the health data of the students (allergies) may be processed, as long as said processing is necessary in order to assist the interested party, offering our services according to their needs.
    In this case, the data will be processed on the basis of the contractual relationship maintained between the parties. The data will be kept while you are a student of Institutes and, even afterwards, until the possible responsibilities that may arise from your relationship with the data controller expire, and for the entire time required by the applicable regulations.
    Likewise, unless the student expresses his/her opposition, his/her data may be used to send him/her information, by any means, of the services, activities and events carried out by Nebrija Institutes. The prospective offer of the academic services, activities and events of Nebrija Institutes is based on satisfying the legitimate business interest of being able to offer our students the hiring of other academic services. Said legitimate interest is recognized by the applicable legal regulations, which expressly allow the processing of personal data on that basis for direct marketing purposes. However, the student has the right to oppose this processing of their data, and may do so by any of the means provided in this clause.
    For the indicated commercial purpose, your data may be kept indefinitely, unless the student objects to it.
  4. During the participation in the different activities and events carried out by Nebrija Institutes, images/voices of the participants may be captured (taking photographs and videos). When the processing is part of the educational function, the participant’s image/voice may be captured without their consent, since the legitimizing basis will be the performance of the teaching and educational function, as it is obligatory for the interested party provide their data for this purpose, otherwise preventing compliance with the academic-contractual relationship. However, when the capture of images/voices does not correspond to said educational function, but rather images of events or functions that are usually recorded for the purpose of dissemination and promotion on the Nebrija Institutes website, brochures, social networks, or any other similar means of communication owned by Nebrija Institutes, we will proceed to obtain the consent of the interested parties. For this purpose, the data may be kept by Nebrija Institutes indefinitely, unless the user objects by contacting any of the indicated contact addresses. In the event that the participant’s image is captured in an ancillary manner, in accordance with Organic Law 1/82, it will not be considered an illegitimate interference with privacy and one’s image, and may be taken without the need to obtain the express consent of the affected party.
    The processing of your image for the indicated purpose of dissemination and promotion is not mandatory, so if the participant does not authorize it, their data may not be processed for this purpose. Consent may be withdrawn at any time, although this will not affect the legality of the data previously processed.
    In any case, Nebrija Institutes reserves the right to take photographs and recordings of all the activities and events that it organizes, individually or in collaboration with third parties; therefore in the case the interested party wants his/her image and voice taken and used for the purpose described, he/she must express their consent. If he/she has not expressed their consent, he/she must abstain from voluntarily participating in the photographs and recordings taken by Nebrija Institutes, and send an e-mail in advance to the address, with a written communication expressly reminding them of his/her wish for his/her image to not be taken, with the aim that Nebrija Institutes take the appropriate measures to prevent his/her image and voice from being processed.

How do we process your data on Social Networks?

In case you become a friend or a follower of ours on social networks, we will process your data to keep you informed of our activities and promotions through these channels. These data will be processed on the legal basis of your consent and will be kept as long as you remain our friend or follower, and you may revoke your consent at any time, although this will not affect the lawfulness of the processes carried out previously. The act of providing the data for this purpose is voluntary, although, if you do not do so, you will not be a friend or follower on our social networks.

In those cases in which the user registration is carried out through social networks, the personal data that we will process will come from the social network in question, to which, previously, the interested party will have provided said data for the purposes provided in their corresponding privacy policies. The data categories that we will collect from the social network in question are those that appear in our registration form and that you have provided to that social network. If, in order to proceed to registration on our website, more data is required than that provided by the social network, you must additionally submit them in our registration form, subject to the privacy conditions set forth in this clause.

To which recipients will your data be given?

The data provided may be transferred to the following entities:

  • To the Public Administration in the cases provided for by Law and for the purposes defined therein.
  • To financial institutions for the management of collections.
  • To the insurance entities with which Institutes have to arrange Medical Insurance, in case of student request, or any other when necessary for the development of excursions or activities carried out by Institutes.
  • Transport companies or those that organize trips, excursions and activities of any kind in which the student has registered, so that they can properly manage their participation in said activities.
  • To Nebrija University when students enjoy the academic -or any kind of- facilities or services offered by the University, as well as when it is necessary to enroll students in the University to take courses that require them to be carried out through Nebrija University. for the purposes of credit validation, as this transfer is necessary for the proper development of the services offered by Institutes. If the student expresses his/her consent, his/her data may also be transferred to Nebrija University to send him/her commercial communications about the services it offers. The consent may be revoked at any time, although this will not affect the legality of the data previously processed. This last transfer of data to the University is voluntary; if not authorized, the student will not receive commercial communications from this entity. If the student consents, the University will be able to keep their data indefinitely for this commercial purpose, unless the student expresses his/her will to delete them.
  • Residences, hotels and the families in which the student has decided to stay, where appropriate, so that said accommodation can be made, always upon the student’s request.
  • Collaborating universities when, as a consequence of the participation of their student in the courses offered by Nebrija Institutes, this entity must submit a report of the grades and activities carried out by the student, in order to verify the correct development of the academic year by the student. In the event that these universities are outside the European Economic Area (USA), said transfer of data will imply an international transfer of data to a country for which there is no adequacy decision by the European Commission, although it is necessary for the execution of the contract with the student.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation on whether we are processing personal data that concerns them, or not. Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

Under the conditions provided in the General Data Protection Regulation, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data or its portability, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, the interested parties may object to the processing of their data. If you have given consent for any specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the legality of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. In these cases, we will stop processing the data or, where appropriate, we will stop doing it for that specific purpose, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

All the aforementioned rights can be exercised through the means of contacts listed at the beginning of this clause.

Faced with any violation of your rights, especially when exercising them has not had a satisfactory result, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (contact details accessible at, or another competent control authority. You can also obtain more information about your rights by contacting these organizations.

What responsibility do you have over your personal data?

The user is responsible for the fact that the information provided through this website is true. For these purposes, he/she is responsible for the veracity of all the data that he/she communicates and will keep the information provided suitably updated, so that it corresponds with their real situation. The user will be responsible for any false or inaccurate information that they provide, and for the damages that this causes to the owner of this website or to third parties.

What measures are taken in the processing of personal data?

INSTITUTOS NEBRIJA is committed to using the personal data provided in accordance with the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the personal data provided. To this end, it has implemented the technical and organizational security measures that are necessary to prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment or access, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations.

What responsibility do you have in the processing of third-party data?

In the event that the personal data of a third-party has been provided, it is the sole responsibility of the person who has previously obtained the consent of that person so that their data is processed by us to have previously informed them of everything provided for in Article 14 of the General Data Protection Regulation.